Answering Your Biggest Questions About Starting an RV Business

The RV industry is booming and it is the perfect time to consider starting your own RV Rental business.  Franchising can help you skip the learning curve and scale quickly.  However, we understand that starting a new business takes a lot of research, here are some of the most commonly asked questions we receive from those interested in starting their own RV Rental business.

Do I need to own an RV for my rental business?

No, when partnering with Fireside RV Rental, we will give you all the tools you need to learn how to rent out other people’s RV’s through our RV Rental Management Program.  Although It can be helpful if you have some experience in RVing which will help you with basic troubleshooting, it is not necessary.  If you don’t have the experience, we can train you on that too.

Can this be a passive income?

Yes, you can choose to be as involved in the business as you would like.  You can focus on building consignment units and logistics and hiring staff to clean and deliver units which can all be done remotely.

Do I need land to store the RV’s?

No, most branch managers simply find a local storage unit to keep all the RVs in a central location.  If you do have land that you already own, it may be convenient to keep them onsite and you can earn an additional income stream from storage fees.  Make sure to check your local zoning laws.

How long will it take me to earn back my investment?

Of course, this will depend on how committed you are to growing your branch.  However, we are confident that with our proven system, you can easily earn back your investment during the first rental season.

How much money can I make in an RV rental business?

That’s really up to you and how big you want to build your branch. To give you a starting point or frame of reference though our average bookings are around $1300 and 25% of that is yours. You make around $300-$400 per unit per week.  If you choose to take on additional responsibilities in your branch such as reservation inquiries, and contracts, you can earn up to an additional 10%

What about Insurance?

We have insurance handled in regard to damage and liability. This is one of the benefits and power of partnership. We have it handled. Fireside RV Rental has completed the legwork, and attorneys have been paid. Contracts, systems, processes, and insurance are in place and ready to do their job!!

Why partner with Fireside RV Rental?

Why take the time, energy, learning curve, money, and all that comes with launching a business from the ground up. Partner with us and have instant brand recognition, trained staff, and the tools you need to have a successful RV Rental Business.

Learn all about our current branch managers:

Interested in learning more about how you can become a part of The Fireside family?  Check out our franchising opportunities for all the details on how you can get started.