Fireside RV Rental

Departure Form

The RV number should be found on the front and or back bumper of the RV. If none please email KEYS to access interior are located in the water heater access panel or behind the rubber bumper cover
If unknown Call 269-205-3349, if no answer enter 0000
Verified Drivers If Driving an RV or towing a camper *

Maximum file size: 67.11MB

Maximum file size: 67.11MB

Before you do anything take a pic of all four sides of the RV's exterior from 10 feet back *

Maximum file size: 67.11MB

Drivable only windshield *

Maximum file size: 67.11MB

Awning *

Maximum file size: 67.11MB

Step​ ​1​ ​-​ ​Damage​ ​Walkthrough The purpose of this walkthrough is to set an agreed upon baseline for the condition of the RV with the renter. This helps prevent disputes should damage occur. You must do a comprehensive review of the condition of the entire interior and exterior, which includes the undercarriage and roof, of the RV. Point out any and all pre-existing damage to the renters and write it down in the appropriate places. Invite the renters to point out any damage or wear and tear that they see as well and write this down on the form. log any damage found here, if none put "none found"**IF RENTING A DRIVEABLE RV PAY CLOSE ATTENTION TO WINDSHIELD AND TIRES FOR ANY EXISTING DAMAGE
Noted Exterior Damage/Issues *
Step​ ​1​ ​-​ ​Damage​ ​Walkthrough The purpose of this walkthrough is to set an agreed upon baseline for the condition of the RV with the renter. This helps prevent disputes should damage occur. You must do a comprehensive review of the condition of the entire interior and exterior, which includes the undercarriage and roof, of the RV. Point out any and all pre-existing damage to the renters and write it down in the appropriate places. Invite the renters to point out any damage or wear and tear that they see as well and write this down on the form.

Maximum file size: 67.11MB

Noted Interior Damage/Issues *

Maximum file size: 67.11MB

Steps 2-8


Step 9 Sign Off and Send Off

Once all steps on the Departure Form have been completed and documented, and all of the renter’s questions answered, both you and the primary renter (whoever signed the Rental Agreement) must sign off on the Departure Form. All necessary contact information must be exchanged. Check off each section as completed:

Renter Signoff

This does not not apply if your renting a trailer and towing it yourself as you dont fill trailers when you tow yourself. You can fill the tank once you get close to your destination.
Overall Condition *